
Origin Ethiopia
Region Kore, Kochere, Yirgacheffe
Farm Various smallholders
Variety Various heirloom Ethiopian Varieties
Altitude 1790–1900 masl
Proc. Method Natural

Flavor notes:

“Fruit and floral, caramel, lemon, honey and clean.”

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Kore is the village, or kebele, where this coffee is grown and processes, in the Kochere “district” or woredawithin Yirgacheffe. Kore is about 25 kilometers from the center of Yirgacheffe Town.

Kochere is southwest of the town of Yirga Cheffe and near a little village of Ch’elelek’tu in the Gedeo zone. While a “classic” Yirga coffee, all of the sub regions tend to have different flavour profiles. Adado – stone fruit, Konga – citrus and stone fruit, and for Kochere, it is a strong fruit tea that comes along with the citrus and stone fruit. When this is combined with processing as a natural, the result is expressed as red currant, lime, and raspberry lemonade.

One of the great things about Ethiopian coffees is the complete mix of varietals. It is estimated that somewhere between six thousand and ten thousand varieties exist naturally in these highlands, the origin of coffee – The cross pollination of genetics is totally amazing.


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